Welcome to our trip to HorrorHound Weekend in Indy!

Linda Hamilton
Linda Hamilton had to be one of the best guests we have ever met!

Linda Hamilton 2
She and Tammie seemed to hit it off extremeley well.

Linda Hamilton 3
As a matter of fact on Sunday when we went back to see her again, I think they might have had a moment...

Cassandra Peterson
Cassandra Peterson, Also known as Elvira... Made a very rare appearance in costume.

The girls from the original "Nightmare on Elm Street" were there.
Heather Langenkamp
Here is Heather Langenkamp signing our Poster

Amanda Wyss
And Amanda Wyss also signing our Poster.

Most of the Colonial Marines and a couple others from the movie "Aliens" were there.
Lance Henrickson
Here is Lance Henrickson signing our poster. He was really cool and was hanging out on the patio quite a bit over the weekend talking with fans.

Carrie Henn
Carrie Henn (she played the little kid Newt)

Jenette Goldstein
Jenette Goldstein

Mark Rolston
Mark Rolston

Cynthia Scott
Cynthia Scott

Ricco Ross
Ricco Ross

It was also MaskFest that weekend.


More Masks

Did I say there were masks there?

Oh yeah, there were masks there too...

MaskFest was going on in case you didn't know.

Need I repeat myself?

Ummm yeah, more masks.

dead pony
Dead pony rides anyone?

There was also many prop makers there.

T-1000 from Terminator 2

T-1000 from Terminator 2

Chyana from Farscape

Alien Head
Alien Head

A dragon

Dragon Skeleton
Dragon Skeleton

Bug Alien
A Bug Alien from Starship Troopers

Umbrella Corp
Umbrella Corp. got themselves a critter